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Seeing Through Touch

Get Involved


For donations of $50 or more, you may request our beautiful gift
- please see below.

From $25,000 upwards, each donor will have his or her name engraved,
in full and in a prominent place in the park.

All donors will be listed on this page, as well as recognized
and acknowledged during the installation.

To donate a complete station, contact us to get more information.
Contact us
Make a donation

The Gift

For donations of $50 or more donors can request a beautiful
and educational book created by the artists.

The book represents the artists’ expression of each of the thirty articles
of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The illustrations in this book are sketches of the sculptures envisioned
for the park. (Shipping is not included)

Contact us

Get Involved

Most people will agree that the more we give, the happier we feel.

While doing good for others and the community,
you can also build your self-confidence, gain experience,
and connect with others.
get involved
All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All
are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any
incitement to such discrimination.
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
December 10th, 1948
Logo Seeing Through Touch
Seeing Through Touch
PO Box 878
Palm Harbor, FL 34682
Seeing through Touch 2024 © All Rights Rsereved | by DavidPerroud.com
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